I stop smoking

Plongez dans le monde fascinant des ondes cérébrales Alpha et Beta et découvrez leur influence sur le sevrage tabagique.

Alpha and Beta Brain Waves: Their Role in Smoki...

Stéphane Lepeltier

Dive into the fascinating world of Alpha and Beta brain waves and discover their influence on smoking cessation. This article explores how Alpha wave-induced relaxation and Beta wave-stimulated alertness can...

Alpha and Beta Brain Waves: Their Role in Smoki...

Stéphane Lepeltier

Dive into the fascinating world of Alpha and Beta brain waves and discover their influence on smoking cessation. This article explores how Alpha wave-induced relaxation and Beta wave-stimulated alertness can...

Découvrez comment la musicothérapie peut aider à gérer le stress et l'anxiété liés au sevrage

Music therapy and Smoking Cessation: A Relaxing...

Stéphane Lepeltier

This article explores the use of music therapy as a relaxing approach to smoking cessation. Find out how music therapy can help manage stress and anxiety related to withdrawal, by...

Music therapy and Smoking Cessation: A Relaxing...

Stéphane Lepeltier

This article explores the use of music therapy as a relaxing approach to smoking cessation. Find out how music therapy can help manage stress and anxiety related to withdrawal, by...